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Meg was encouraged to draw at very young age by her parents. She continued to draw all her life, later followed by painting. In her professional career she worked in very diverse areas: from Project Manager and Change Manager in the IT-sector to classical homeopathy and Psycho-Neuro-Immunology therapy. She did in-depth studies of Psychology of Jung and astrology, and used the insights she learned in all her different working environments.

And finally she could make the change to drawing and painting making it her main occupation.


“I am always looking for stillness and beauty, because the world in which we live in is very fast paced with so much happening around us. When you do unwind and relax, you suddenly see clearly the details and the beauty of life around you.

I love looking closely at details of things, and want to share that beauty with others. Giving them a moment of tranquility. So I paint simple things, a dress, an old handkerchief, a butterfly – mostly single subjects with subtle colours. Except for the butterflies – as nature has made them so very colourful.

I am fascinated by beautiful (preferably old) fabric: dresses of lace and silk, old handkerchiefs; always wondering where they have been, who wore them and owned them, are there any hidden secrets… what was felt when the dress was put on, and the emotions when the person undressed…..I can really feel the fabric while I paint…”


And Meg also loves to paint and work with pure gold, diamond powder and genuine Lapis Lazuli pigment.


“I love working with gold because of the shine, it gives me a feeling of luxury, joy and happiness while I sit in the golddust – the sparkles flying around me while cutting and glueing the gold. I use the gold being the brighter parts of the subject I paint. Gold shines through the paint and this is how I create light and shadow. Paintings with gold are magical: the angle of the light makes the gold glisten or not, the colours appear or disappear depending on the angle of the light. It keeps you intrigued.

Real diamond dust is used for ‘surprise’ sparkles of light in some of my paintings.

It is the the vivid and very intense colour of the real Lapis Lazuli gemstone that I love, that is why I buy the pigment and make my own paint. There is no blue colour that can match the intensity. When painting with it, I keep being fascinated and surprised by the magnificent intense blue colour…”


Besides all of that Meg has a special talent to paint portraits. Her technical knowledge combined with her interest in human nature and her love for animals result in beautiful catchy portraits of people as well as animals.


BIO | Meg